
When I was a working doctor, I treated over five thousand in-patients – and many more out-patients. These people ranged from those who wanted my help in dealing with depression, and various forms of upsetting compulsive behavior, to those with lives ruined by alcohol, drugs or food addiction.

The breadth of my experience allows me to treat patients on a one- to-one basis with a uniquely wide range of therapeutic techniques.

In 1986, I founded The PROMIS Recovery Center, which pioneered and developed a new approach combining the benefits of several proven therapeutic models. The approach was so radical it was initially met with scepticism by the medical press. However, word rapidly spread, through patients’ recommendations, that the approach was miles ahead of anything else available. We quickly established ourselves as the only place to go.

The model infuriated the competition. Nevertheless, they subse- quently attempted to copy it. However, what they couldn’t copy was the blend of knowledge, commitment and energy that led to the more effective recovery experienced by our patients.

The approach was so effective the company grew to the point where we had capacity for over 70 in-patients. I then realised that in becoming so big, the company had lost some of the very ingredients that had allowed it to become so big.

In 2008, I decided to sever all association with the PROMIS brand and group of companies, and focus on re-creating the ‘magic’ that was experienced by our patients in the early days. I realised that this was only possible through a small scale "Personal Treatment Programme".

Nowadays I specialise in focussing my attention on working with individuals one-to-one for an intensive intervention, usually with me and one of my assistants working together.This way, we can provide specific answers to the challenges that are experienced by new patients, as well as providing targeted individual treatment.

I see patients in my South Kensington office and I can also offer in-patient care for a short course of detoxification, where necessary.

I continue to offer the same family support system I pioneered at PROMIS. This family-inclusive approach is essential for the patient’s continued recovery. The big difference now is that this can be conducted in the family’s own home, minimising disruption to the lives of family members. If they prefer it, this family support can still be offered in my office in London.

All this can often be done at less total cost than traditional ‘large group’ residential rehabilitation. The effectiveness of this treatment saves time and money, while at the same time allowing me to address the particular needs of each patient on an individual basis. The aim is to improve patients’ physical and emotional health,and also their relationships, long term.

In short, patients get better faster and more thoroughly from difficulties that may have challenged them for many years.

Asking for help:

This always takes courage – and you have taken that step already. From here on, treatment is a matter of gaining new information and new insights and learning how to care for yourself or your family – or both – effectively.

You will need:

- an effective assessment.

- a safe environment. This may be your own home, a secure and warm consulting room or an efficient and friendly in-patient facility.

- a clear therapeutic approach.

- an opportunity to express your own fears and hopes and to be treated as an individual. This depends upon being in a small, personal treatment programme.

- a chance to heal the traumas of the past and create a positive and peaceful future.

We can provide what you need so that you have lasting benefit.

Depression/Addiction (the before and after of this clinical condition) is a family illness.

No other illness has quite such a devastating knock-on effect on all members of the family. Depression/Addiction, in any form, seeps into everything that we hold dear and slowly and inexorably destroys it.

Families have very few resources on which to call in their time of acute need. The greatest insight and understanding comes from those who have been in the same situation. We know the way forward because we have walked the same steps ourselves. It is false to believe that addicts have to ‘hit rock bottom’ before giving up their destructive behaviour. They may simply return to their underlying depression, with catastrophic results. They benefit from professionally structured intervention.

Education and medication do not work. The long-term cure comes from learning, under guidance through professional and personal example, to see and do things differently.

Dr Lefever has treated over five thousand people with compulsive disorders, phobias, PTSD and depression. From initial assessment and diagnosis through rehabilitation, providing the option of either residential or non-residential care, and on to after-care, he takes the individuals and their families through the necessary steps towards recovery and the re-establishment of a constructive and rewarding life.

SEO For Doctors

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can refer to the process of optimizing a page to give it a high ranking in Search Engine Results Pages (SERP), including Google, Bing, Yahoo, Microsoft Search and other search engines. Integrated Joomla SEO settings functions can be used in Joomla admin using the functions "Inbuilt" and "Joomla SEO Settings."

Some somewhat unrelated but useful information for you


FERS Retirement Information

If you are an employee of FRS and are looking to invest your money for retirement, the FERS Retirement Calculator can help you. This calculator is designed to help FERS certified underwriters determine the amount that an employee can invest in his or her own accounts for retirement benefits. Basically, the FERS Retirement Calculator will determine how much money a person needs to retire with depending on their age, earnings, life expectancy, Social Security payments, investment goals and other variables. To use the FERS Retirement Calculator, FRS employees must understand the following information:

When it comes to investing for retirement, it is very important for people who want to save for their retirement to understand the basics of how retirement works. In general, there are three different plans that an individual can choose from when it comes to retirement investing, such as the IRA, the 401(k) and the traditional pension plan. Each of these plans has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before an individual starts to invest for his or her retirement, it is important for people to carefully look at all of their options and choose the plan that is best for them.

The FERS Retirement Calculator can help people look like they are working even if they are not by using certain pieces of information about their current and future retirement date. For example, if someone wants to look like they are retired by using the IRS tax rates for their current and future retirement dates, then they will need to enter in this information. All of the different tax rates are provided for someone who uses the calculator, which allows people to see how their taxes will look like after they retire. All of the different tabs allow a person to view their current and future income, current tax rate, expected lifetime earnings and total retirement income. However, if someone wants to look like they are employed instead of self-employed, then they will need to use the tab that indicates how much money that they make in a typical week.

Some Infor about Memory Care as you get older

Memory care is a specialized type of senior living which offers intensive, focused care for those with memory problems. Several senior centers and assisted living complexes have designed special memory care units especially for dementia patients. There are even stand-alone memory care centers.

One of the most common problems with dementia is forgetfulness. As the disease progresses, the patient may forget the names of their loved ones or the things that they do every day. While in an assisted living facility, an Alzheimer's specialist may be able to work with the family on ways to provide the most personalized memory care possible. Care givers can help with everything from helping the patients to remember to feed themselves, to preparing their meals, to shopping for them, and even making sure that their medications are current.

The memory care that is provided by an Alzheimer's specialist will vary depending on the level of disease that the patient has. Senior centers for Alzheimer's care generally have a team of doctors and nurses on hand to make sure that all of the patient's needs are met. Family members should be aware of these various needs as well. It can be very difficult for a loved one to realize that their loved one is suffering from dementia, which is why it is so important for them to receive all of the help that they need. They can be the most important asset to their loved one and can ensure that their beloved one remains comfortable and happy throughout his or her golden years.