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Published: February 21, 2021

How to help your pet fight depression during the colder months

SPARTANBURG, SC (WSPA) – A change in season can not only impact humans, but it can impact your pet’s mental health, too.

We met with Dr. Caroline Cofer to talk about signs of pet depression and steps you can take to help your pets.

Cofer explained some of the symptoms of depression in pets can include, decreased activity  and changes in moods. And sometimes pets even mirror their owner’s moods, if the owner is depressed.

One of the main causes in decreased activity, is less sunlight.

With shorter days, it can be harder for pets. Day length in the wintertime for the Upstate and mountains can be almost five hours shorter than compared to that in the summer.

Some other common symptoms our pets may have this time of year is increased aggression or being less interested in food.

If you want to start at home, things you can do to help can include lights, getting outside and playing with your pets more.

And if that isn’t getting the job done, the professionals can help you out.

Cofer’s office offers many options that can help with your pet’s mood, including improving diet, pharmaceuticals, herbal treatments and even acupuncture. 

Her team is always looking to make sure your pet has the best quality of life.

If your pet is struggling with seasonal depression or you have questions regarding your pet’s behavior or health, you can get more info, as well as contact information by visiting

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