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Published: June 16, 2021

Disturbance near Central America expected to become tropical depression

The National Hurricane Center is tracking a disturbance near Central America.The area of low pressure is bringing disorganized showers and thunderstorms over the Bay of Campeche and southern Mexico and is not expected to move or develop within the day.It is once again expected to continue moving north Thursday and become a tropical depression as it moves across the western Gulf of Mexico, forecasters say.Over the next several days, heavy rainfall will continue for parts of Central America and southern MexicoThe system has a 90% change of formation over the next five days.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

The National Hurricane Center is tracking a disturbance near Central America.

The area of low pressure is bringing disorganized showers and thunderstorms over the Bay of Campeche and southern Mexico and is not expected to move or develop within the day.

It is once again expected to continue moving north Thursday and become a tropical depression as it moves across the western Gulf of Mexico, forecasters say.

Over the next several days, heavy rainfall will continue for parts of Central America and southern Mexico

The system has a 90% change of formation over the next five days.


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